JZ001Q INT A4741 CLEAR SN165 20KG

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Interpon A4741 polyester TGIC clearcoats stand ready with excellent appearance and performance. Together they are perfectly balanced to provide long lasting protection from chipping, scratching, wheel cleaners and corrosive road environments. Interpon A4741 clears have more than 20 years of commercial success that make them the topcoat of choice for aluminum wheels.

Interpon A4741 polyester TGIC clearcoats stand ready with excellent appearance and performance. Together they are perfectly balanced to provide long lasting protection from chipping, scratching, wheel cleaners and corrosive road environments. Interpon A4741 clears have more than 20 years of commercial success that make them the topcoat of choice for aluminum wheels.
Plus d’information
Product Code JZ001Q
Brand Interpon
Série Produit Interpon A4741
Caractéristiques clés Antibulle, Mini-Pack
Brillance Brillant
Finition Smooth
Environnement Extérieur
Industrie Automobile
Units Per Carton 1
Chimie Polyester TGIC
Couleur Vernis
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