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Interpon A4701 - Primer powder coatings designed for OEM automotive wheel applications. They provide excellent smoothness and appearance, corrosion and chemical resistance and mechanical properties. They are smooth and out-gassing resistant and are excellent for fully painted wheel systems.

Interpon A4701 - Primer powder coatings designed for OEM automotive wheel applications. They provide excellent smoothness and appearance, corrosion and chemical resistance and mechanical properties. They are smooth and out-gassing resistant and are excellent for fully painted wheel systems.
Plus d’information
Product Code QN014QF
Brand Interpon
Série Produit Interpon A4701
Caractéristiques clés Antibulle, Primaire, Ultra Résistant, Mini-Pack
Brillance Brillant
Finition Smooth
Environnement Primaire
Industrie Automobile
Collection Couleur Primer
Units Per Carton 1
Chimie Superdurable Polyester TGIC
Couleur Noir
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