Polyurethane (polyester urethane) powder coatings provide outstanding thin-film appearance and weathering properties together with good all-around chemical properties. More information
- PA001QF 20-1007HY FURN U1579-1/7402/25KG (8131455)
- PA003QF 20-1012HY HI WHTU1579-1/7402/25K (8133455)
- PA006QF 20-1028HY WETWHTU1579-1/7402/25K (8131454)
- PA032Q INT 200 WHITE 155W174-U SN92 25KG (8137276)
- PA060QF 200 MARKER WHITE TR-MPB/7402/20K (8220273)
- PA100QF 20-1015 SKY WHITE/7402/25KG (8121258)
- PA201QF 21-1024A CNTRL OFF WHT/7402/25KG (8123924)
- PA400QF 22-1001 ARC WHT U1576-2/7402/25K (8132950)
- PD000QF 20-8021HY BEIGE U1579-1/7402/25K (8133466)
- PD002QF INT 200 BCHWD U1579-1/7402/25K (8133459)
- PD004QF 20-8256HY SANDS U1579-1/7402/25K (8131459)
- PD212QF INT200 VICT LC U1576-2/7402/25KG (8132954)